Sunday 02 June 2024

Hamas hails Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities chief's stance against normalization

Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qasem has commended Shaikha Mai Bint Mohammed Al-Khalifa, head of the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities, for refusing to shake hands with the Israeli ambassador to the country and opposing normalisation with the Israeli occupation.

"This position is a true reflection of the Bahraini people's genuine stances in support of Palestinian rights and against attempts to integrate the Israeli occupation into the region," Qasem said in a press statement Saturday.


Qasem confirmed that all attempts to normalise ties with the Israeli occupation will remain unacceptable in the collective Arab consciousness.


Sheikha Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa was dismissed by the Bahraini king after reportedly refusing to shake the hand of Israel's ambassador to Manama.

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