Monday 10 June 2024

Greece’s Travel Agents Strengthen Ties with Palestinian Tourism Professionals

The Hellenic Association of Travel and Tourist Agencies (HATTA) and the two largest Palestinian travel and tourism organizations have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aiming to strengthen tourism flows between Greece and Palestine.

The memorandum was signed during the 37th Philoxenia International Tourism Expo in Thessaloniki by HATTA’s president, Nikolas Kelaiditis, the president of the Palestinian Society of Tourist and Travel Agencies (PSTTA), Hani G. Lama, and the president of the Holy Land Incoming Tour Operators Association (HLITOA), Michel Awad.


By signing the memorandum, both sides recognize the important role that a close and effective collaboration in tourism can play in Greece’s and Palestine’s future economic development and employment rates.


The agreement will also see the launch of mutually beneficial tourism related programs as well as actions promoting a better understanding of the historical ties that unite the two countries.


Yussef Dorkhom, the Chargé d’Affaires of the Diplomatic Representation of Palestine to Greece was also present at the event, which included a presentation of Palestine as a tourism destination to an audience of tourism professionals, locals and Palestinian students studying at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.


According to Palestinian media outlets, the Covid -19 pandemic had a grave effect to Palestine’s tourism industry with more than 30,000 Palestinians losing their jobs.


Since then, the Palestinian Tourism Ministry has collaborated with the private sector to create new travel packages including trails that cover unknown sites in Palestine and others that aim to develop socially responsible tourism.



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