Sunday 02 June 2024

Muslim countries break
relations with Israel

Canadian political expert

Eric Walberg: We thank Ayatollah Khamenei for his principled stand in defense of Palestine, in defense of Islam's holy city, al-Quds, and its holy site of worship, al-Aqsa.

Qodsna (Tehran) - On the eve of the 45th anniversary of the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution, Qods News Agency reporter interviewed with a Canadian writer, senior journalist and political expert Eric Walberg.


Here is the full texts of interview:


Qodsna: Many experts believe that Iran's Islamic Revolution played a significant role in Islamic awakening and led to the revival of the Palestinian issue and the formation of Islamic resistance movements. What is your opinion about this?


Eric Walberg: Iran's Islamic revolution indeed inspired the Islamic awakening in the past four decades, culminating in the Arabic Spring uprisings of 2011. Iran's devotion to Palestine was vital after the collapse of the Soviet Union, which had long been filling in as a supporter of Palestine, given the weak support of the Arab countries. Now that the Arab leaders have been shamed by their cowardice and the angry demands of their people to support Palestine, the situation has changed radically. Now Iran, Saudi, Egypt and Turkey are beginning to coordinate to provide support, and Russia is returning to the Soviet anti-Zionist position. There is a long way to go. Sunni regimes envy Iran's principled support of Palestine, but the current crisis is pushing these regimes from within, as their people refuse to let cowardly leaders speak on their behalf.


Qodsna: Iran's Islamic revolution occured in a situation where Palestine is in its worst condition. Now the Palestinian resistance groups, which are inspired by the Islamic revolution of Iran, are in a position of superior power after the Al-Aqsa storm and have dealt such a blow to the Zionist regime that the destruction of this regime is imminent.


Considering the heavy defeat of Zionist regime and the international isolation of Zionist regime among the people of different countries of the world, how do you see the future of the regime after the Al-Aqsa storm operation?


Eric Walberg: While Al-Aqsa storm has shocked and angered Israel, it is a perilous situation now. Israel is destroying Gaza and making sure there is a 'safe' zone withint the Gaza border where there are no people, so that Israel can actively monitor everything happening in Gaza. The Israeli strategy is to reduce the habitable parts of Gaza, so that fewer people can live there. This is a subtle form of ethnic cleansing. Cleansing by degrees. it is all just a variaton on open theft of land, but Israel seems to think Palestinians and the world are blind to its machinations.

So Israel still plans to complete the genocide but without being charged with genocide. We must be aware of Israel's devious plans and do whatever is possible to thwart them.


Qodsna: Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called on Muslim countries to severe their political and economic relations with the Zionist regime, and cut off Tel Aviv's vital arteries.  What is your opinion and what solutions do you suggest to achieve this goal?



Eric Walberg: It is essential that Muslim countries break relations with Israel. We all must organize and join a world movement to boycott Israel, especially arms trade. The ICJ ruling is binding on all countries not to assist Israel in carrying out its genocide. That means that moral people in the West have an obligation to actively boycott Israel.


Unfortunately, most of the world is still in thrall to Israel, which is really US-Israel. When we take on Israel, we are taking on the US as well. This struggle is not for the faint-hearted.

We can thank Ayatollah Khamenei for his principled stand in defense of Palestine, in defense of Islam's holy city, al-Quds, and its holy site of worship, al-Aqsa.

Israel has made the Muslim world its implacable enemy. This is foolish politics. Islam has 14 centuries of wisdom and belief to call on. Israel has 150 years of a racist heretical sect called Zionist, which sullies the great monotheistic tradition. The hubris is astounding and has led Israel into carrying out genocide against the native Palestinians. It is our responsibility as fellow monotheists to rescue Judaism from the Zionists' inhumanity, to prevent their bloodythirst path of vengeance and hate.


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