Monday 10 June 2024
Iran’s FM:

Israel’s aggression, crimes in Gaza root cause of crisis in region

Iran's foreign minister says the Zionist regime’s crimes against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip are the main cause of the existing crisis in the West Asia region.


Hossein Amir-Abdollahian was speaking in a phone conversation with his Finnish counterpart, Elina Valtonen, on Sunday.


During the conversation, the two top diplomats discussed the latest developments in bilateral relations as well as the ongoing situation in West Asia.


“The Zionist regime’s acts of aggression and crimes in Gaza constitute the root cause of the crisis [in the West Asia region],” the Iranian foreign minister said, stressing that Iran does not seek to foment tension in the region.


He added, “Establishment of peace in the region requires adoption of a correct approach [by all parties] and avoiding double-standard and contradictory stances.”


Noting that all involved parties should try to stop the war in Gaza, Amir-Abdollahian urged the European governments to “immediately stop selling weapons to the aggressive and occupying Israeli regime, which are used to massacre Palestinian women and children, in order to help restore stability and sustainable security to the region.”


Zionist regime launched its brutal onslaught on the Gaza Strip, targeting hospitals, residences, and houses of worship after the territory's resistance movements launched a surprise attack, dubbed Operation al-Aqsa Storm, against the usurping regime on October 7, 2023.


At least 34,097 Palestinians have been martyred, most of them women and children, and 76,980 others sustained injuries in the regime’s genocidal war. More than 1.7 million people have been internally displaced as well.


Finland’s foreign minister, for her part, noted that any increase in tensions in the West Asia region would not benefit anybody, condemning any measure that could further escalate regional tensions.


Valtonen also expressed concern about the rising civilian toll in Israel’s onslaught on Gaza, noting that establishment of an immediate ceasefire without any preconditions is a major priority for her country.


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