Sunday 02 June 2024

US students continue university protests despite arrests

Student protests in US universities continue despite harsh crackdown, as police forces arrested 25 protesters at the University of Virginia and around 50 others at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago under the pretext of standing against unlawful protests.

Tehran, Qodsna - The Hill reported that students who staged protest on Saturday for the fifth consecutive day at the University of Virginia, called on the academic center to divest from Zionist firms, because they are involved in the genocidal war on Gaza.


Despite the fact that the protest at the University of Virginia was peaceful, police officers used batons to disperse the protesters on Saturday.


ABC News reported that police forces arrested about 50 people at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago on Saturday.


Following the arrests and expulsions of students at Columbia University in New York City, protests have also intensified across the United States. Students from universities including Yale, New York University, Harvard, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Southern California, and others started protesting.


The pro-Palestinian protests started at Columbia University. One of the main demands of pro-Palestinian student groups at universities has been for the university to divest funds from companies that profit from the Zionist regime's attacks on Gaza. So far, around 2200 students have been arrested for showing support for the oppressed Palestinian people.

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