Tuesday 11 June 2024 
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Islamic Resistance in Iraq conducts drone attack on Zionist airbase

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted an air base of the Zionist military in Umm al-Rashrash (Eilat) in the south of occupied Palestine with a drone.

Tehan, Qodsna - In a statement early on Monday, the umbrella group of resistance factions in Iraq said that the strike was part of its continued approach in confronting the occupation of the Zionist regime, helping the residents of Gaza and in response to the killing of Palestinian civilians.


The operation came a day after the Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced launching a cruise missile at the port of Haifa in occupied Palestine in a bid to show solidarity with the defenseless Palestinians.


The cruise missile, Arqab, was launched from Iraqi soil toward the occupied Palestinian territories, the media report said on Sunday.


Eilat and Haifa, the two port cities have come under attack multiple times by the regional resistance groups. No casualties or damage have been reported from the latest strikes.


Since the onset of the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza, regional resistance groups including Islamic Resistance in Iraq keep targeting US and Zionist interests in an effort to exert pressure on the regime to end its massacre of Palestinians in Gaza.

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