Monday 10 June 2024
In interview with Qodsna:

American academic says Iran held Israel to account for its crimes

A professor of history at California State University has said that Iran’s retaliatory attack against the Zionist regime was in line with international law to hold the regime accountable for its atrocities.

Tehran, Qodsna - David Yaghoubian made the remark in an exclusive interview with the Qods News Agecny, saying: “Iran’s punitive response to Israel’s gross violation of international law was essential.”


Pointing to the legal aspect of the Iranian retaliatory attack on the Zionist regime in response to the regime’s airstrike on the Islamic Republic’s consulate in Syria, he noted: “The preservation of international law and accountability, and arguably of world peace going forward, depended in this critical moment on the response of Islamic Republic of Iran.”


The university professor added: “Iran proceeded to act responsibly and decisively in the interest of upholding the UN Charter by holding Israel to account for its crimes.”


He further pointed to the consequences of the Iranian punitive attack, saying: “By doing so, Iran has ushered in a new era of accountability in the region that dramatically changes the dynamics that rogue, scofflaw nations such as the United States, Israel, and the UK have relied on.”


“Iran has breathed new life into international law,” Yaghoubian noted, concluding, “The days of Zionist and imperialist impunity in the region are over.


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