Sunday 02 June 2024

We're Persona Non Grata. Almost Satan: Global Boycott of Israeli Culture Ratchets Up

Four Zionist authors, Nirit Anderman, Gili Izikovich, Shira Naot and Ofir Hovav, wrote an article to highlight the issue of boycotting the Zionist regime’s settlers across the world, especially after the onset of Zionist onslaught in Gaza.

Tehran, Qodsna – According to the Zionist newspaper Haaretz, artists, filmmakers, musicians, and other professionals have become unwelcome in international circles, facing challenges in showcasing their work or attending events.


The boycott movement has severely limited opportunities for Zionist creatives, as they find themselves shunned and their work boycotted.


The ongoing Zionist-Palestinian conflict exacerbates the situation, leaving artists caught in the middle and struggling to overcome the barriers imposed by the cultural boycott.


The situation is unlikely to improve unless there is a resolution to the Zionist-Palestinian conflict.


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